My Running Diary: The First Marathon 2011-2012 – The Running Soul My running journey...upward and onward Fri, 14 Nov 2014 13:19:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 My Running Diary: The First Marathon 2011-2012 – The Running Soul 32 32 79112418 Is it really a choice? Fri, 26 Jul 2013 13:25:33 +0000 Wednesday.



9k race.


The Wettest day of July 2013.


I didn’t run today.

I found a 100 excuses as I looked out of my window at 5.15 am.

As the day went on I spoke to all the fanatics who DID run.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime run.

A YOLO run, as Sanjana put it.

So I missed it.

Its gone. All I can do now is regret. And that is of no use.

The success of a sportsman rests on his capacity “To Suffer”, even to Enjoy Suffering.

E N J O Y   S U F F E R I N G

It means learning to accept that if you have to run 21km, you have to run, be it 2 hours 15 mins or 2 hours 45 mins. You just do it. It demonstrates endurance.


An important word for marathoners.

It expresses a Spartan philosophy of life which is uncommon in today’s time, where the Principle of Pleasure reigns supreme.

On days when the body rebels, and the pain seems too much, you’ve got 2 roads:

Tell yourself you’ve had enough and leave


Be prepared to suffer and keep going.

The choice is between enduring and giving up.


This is what separates the champions from the mere runners.

Things that you achieve with your effort, you value a lot.

The greater the effort, the greater the value.


No excuses. No whining.

Just grin and bear it.

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Down the Rabbit Hole Wed, 17 Jul 2013 05:41:38 +0000 14th July 2013

21 km Bandra- Ncpa

2.12 hours

non stop, steady pace of 6.18 min/km

One of my best training runs ever! After a couple of initial muggy kilometres, we breezed the whole way, literally and figuratively.

For a change we ran one way with the Bandra runners,and what a welcome change it was! Comrades runners in our midst, and so many other familiar faces! Running with this group, even for a little bit was inspirational, as the talks of the Comrades Run flew around! They talked of running the five mountains, which I can not imagine running even one!

Sandeep, Rahul and me. We ran together. We ran as a pack. We realised from the start that our pace was fast. Faster than usual, but sustainable. We went along, talking about many things including god and the Magic of Faith.

We crossed Haji Ali and approached Peddar Road. By then, a girl called Simta (whom i had run with in Thane) had joined our little coterie. We went like a tight close knit bundle up Peddar Road at the same pace. I felt I was being carried along by an extremely powerful magnetic force, created by this huddle! It was an effortless climb. We went on to finish the run with the last 4 km at an intense sub -6 pace.


I had faced my reality. Realised my potential. Seen what I was capable of.

We all have our shortcomings.

Things that are holding us back.

I am fighting the perceptions of my mind. I will overcome it, step by step.

I have broken through the first layer, will I continue to test my self? I need to  walk the conceptual path which is thought to lead to the true nature of reality. Infinitesimally deep and complex, venturing too far down is probably not that great of an idea….or is it?


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Magic @ PDP Wed, 29 May 2013 16:14:47 +0000 Todaypriyadarshiniparkpdpmumbai



Lace up my shoes and go, albeit a little late.


12 rounds

At a fast, and not-so-fast pace,

Topped with 2 -100 m sprints,

With surprising winners.



A feeling of disbelief

Is it really rain

A reward for being regular?


The group disperses

But the drizzle continues


Porus, Rajesh and me

Take an extra round

Feel the cool breeze

With the smell of the first rain


The rain stops

The sun comes out

I take a sip of water from my bottle

And lo behold


A sense of wonder fills us

It’s a frozen moment in time

As we assimilate the perfectness of the moment


Blue sky

White clouds

Warm rain and sun


Green grassrainbow angel

Happy smiles

A rainbow and some fun



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A dream realised- my First Full Marathon Mon, 16 Jan 2012 13:07:00 +0000

“Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it.”

– Oprah Winfrey, talk show host and marathon finisher
Crossing the finish line with my arms held out wide….. am I flying… I was! I was sprinting the last 50m of my 42.0196 km…. in 4 hours and 35 minutes!What a high! It was a dream finish.

The best feeling in the world!!!!

I have spent one long year training for this run……not sure if I’ve ever prepared for anything for so long. Had my good days and the bad…..and learnt so much. As my friend Sushant once told me…..once you run a marathon, you will look at life differently. I have learnt so much and probably grown in ways I can never really fathom right now.
As I sit back and reflect…
Into the darkness, we ran towards the start point and before we knew it, we were off! My heart did a flip flop, as I realised I was running for my life. It was an extremely emotional moment as we passed by the VT station and then fell into step with the rest. Within the first 800m my laces came off! As I retied them-feeling like a fool, I had to speed to rejoin our little coterie( with Nimisha, Vishal, Santa, Rohan, Ashish and Chaya).
 After the first few kilometres I took a big decision of running slower than the others as I was not comfortable at their pace. So it was just chaya and me- chugging along – we could see the others for a while, in the distance….but then they were gone.  Kilometres flew past and we ran over the sea link at dawn. Looking eastward we saw the sunrise over the mumbai skyline. It was a spiritual moment.
“Anybody can do just about anything with himself that he really wants to and makes his mind to do. We are capable of greater than we realize.”

We chatted through the distance….finding others along the way to keep us company for a bit…but Chaya and I stayed together for a long time.


As we rounded the corner at mahim , my parents surprised me ! I had a huge smile – it was really encouraging to see them there! All went well as we approached Worli and both of us plugged in our ipods to step the pace….we had crossed the halfway mark well on schedule- 2.17 for the first 21km! All we had to do was continue at this pace- and if we could push it just a little bit –we were headed for a sub 4.30 finish – which was a dream finish!
At kilometre 28 came Nikita with my gel- I was in great spirit by then….
As I waved out to my parents again, and then I was on home stretch. There was only worli, peddar road , chowpatty and churchgate left!
So we flew…….the plan was to walk up on peddar road because of the uphill…..and we walked a bit and ran a bit. We passed by peddar road- with much cheer and pomp and the high pointcame at my building, where all my friends and family, as well as Arnav and Sanjana were out in full force! After getting refreshed with a cool spray on my face, by Sanjana I was handed a chilled can of coke by Arnav- opened and ready for me to down! After taking 4 sips I was rejuvenated!



The euphoria was short lived as Sushant’s word rang  in my ears…..after the 32km mark the 42km starts! As I ran down towards chowpatty and took the turn onto the main road the sun shone on me- in its full glory! Oh my! I was ready to give up……

The sun- the heat and the fatigue…all caught up with me.
 My legs were complaining and my brain was revolting!
Chaya was gone and I was all by myself. I trotted along- looking for any excuse to stop…..painkiller spray on my non existent pain, a water break and last of all boredom! Had to kick myself to keep it going. As the 4.30 finish was within striking range, I kept calculating in my head- last 5 km at 6 minutes…and after a few minutes I had mixed up pace for time and it was all a jumble. That’s when I decided to just leave it all, and run. At the marine drive flyover from I met enough friends who helped me reach the finish.
The strength that I found within me, as I kept pace with my friend Harish’s 9 year old daughter , Raina- I met them at kilometre 41…she was so excited to see me- as she ran a good 50m at her fastest speed….and I struggled to keep up with her- but did it.
In my practice runs I would sprint to the finish after struggling through the last few kilometres…and sure enough- the race day was the same. I ran for 5 minutes and walked for a minute for last 7-8 kilometers, but dashed in the end! It was an amazing realisation to know that I could pick up my feet and sprint and forget all my pain.
Suvir, Savio and Sukhpreet were all waiting for me in the last 200 m. That is a moment I’ll never forget ! The whole scene was surreal!
And the rest is history.
All of us- first timers clocked admirable times- ranging from 4.20 to 4.40.

“We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves. The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, ‘You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.’ The human spirit is indomitable.”

– Sir Roger Bannister, first man to break the four minute mile
So, many people ask me- why do I run, and I have no answer. I run because it makes me happy. The marathon is a charismatic event. It has everything. It has drama. It has competition. It has camaraderie. It has heroism. Every jogger can’t dream of being an Olympic champion, but he can dream of finishing a marathon.

All dreams come true if we have the power to pursue them.

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ESPER : Establish Strategize Plan Execute Review Tue, 15 Nov 2011 06:55:00 +0000

As I wake up with my morning alarm……anytime between 4.45 am and 
5 am I wonder…..why am I doing this to myself…….I struggle with myself and finally shake the inertia off… 
We start the run from Nariman Point and we run past the seascape……its beautiful…… breeze…..early morning walkers and fellow runners….the street lights are still on and at some point the go off ,to flood the world with the soft light of the Goddess of Dawn-Eos, who with her rosy fingers opens the gates of heaven so that Helios, her brother, can ride his chariot across the sky .(Although our singular aim is to finish the run before the sun attacks us with his full force !)

In the peak of our training month, we are averaging anything between 55km-70km a week.

To achieve this target we run 3-4 days a week.

The short run is 10 km…….the medium one is 15k………and the long one is anything over 25k.

I have run from signal to signal for the longest time and suddenly last week I realize, now signals have lost meaning, as I look forward to the new landmarks I have created, which are a good 3-4km apart which cover 5-7 signals at least! Running past the familiar markers………I wonder how this has happened…..?

25 kilometers is now only a series of 6 roads….Marine Drive,Babulnath,Peddar road, Worli, Worli Seaface and Prabhadevi…it’s a short run!:)

I have broken up the distance into smaller (more doable) cutoffs…but these are 3-4 times the distance which I was doing for the past so many years. What used to be long is now short!

I learn …..Everything in life is relative…………..

What seems to be a huge task….is actually only a collection of a series of smaller milestones…….
Small and Big are really all perceptions of one’s mind! What seems unachievable at one point may seem easily reached at another.

A book I am reading by APJ Abdul Kalam:
“Dream Big.
 Dream, Dream,Dream,
 Dreams transform into thoughts
 and thoughts result into action.”

As a friend joked with me……parul, she said, soon you’ll be talking about doing ultra marathons!…you’re crazy, I replied!

I’m going to leave it at that.:) !

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From Inspiration to Perspiration…. Fri, 14 Oct 2011 05:45:00 +0000 Our training has stepped up, difficult on most days, but it becomes a joy at the race course as it is really beautiful at daybreak. The greenness is soothing to the eye and the heart, and the twittering of the birds is music to the soul. And all so often we are treated to flock of white gulls taking off over the verdant oasis and at other times the black musical koyals create a symphony

This sylvan surrounding has always been there………and been prettier in the flowering season. But I found running in 2km loops at the race course a task, as was hill training and of course the long distances.
Now I’ve become a regular at the race course and the loops don’t mean much- its about the distance now.

As I run with experienced runners and manage to hold my own with them.

The distance is getting longer, but surprisingly, not harder!
I have now officially become a part of the group of “those crazy runners”.
Over all these years of running I had developed several notions. This year a lot of them
are out the window.
Can’t run in the sun! Can’t run without music! Can’t run at racecourse! Can’t run long!
can’t run on Friday!

All gone……

I’m in a new mode!
All will happen……..slowly and steadily. I am thriving in the discipline for food and
sleep. That’s giving me the courage to push myself.

“Unless you’re not pushing yourself, you’re not living to the fullest. You can’t be afraid to fail, but unless you fail, you haven’t pushed hard enough.”

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Joie De Vivre Thu, 15 Sep 2011 05:57:00 +0000

The run this Sunday was a milestone for me- my longest run this season…..25 kilometers. I was low on confidence because  I had missed my previous 2 ritualistic Sunday runs, as work had taken over my weekends.

All the same, our band of 5 started out – bright and early at 5.45 am with full enthusiasm. We kept in step with each other. With Pervin that is easy as she is full of beans, and many stories. What really cracked us up, were her extremely witty one liners.

Pervin is quite an amazing woman. Her age belies her………A 100% Bawi- who is a bundle of electricity! She has run several half marathons, winning a couple too. I ran with her for the first time in Pondicherry, and enjoyed myself completely. We befriended two Bangalore runners and to top it all, we sang our way through the difficult parts. The next race was the Thane marathon. I started with her, but she carried on without me as my laces came off! And how she scolded me! Rightfully so! I still remember her words,” How silly can you be?” she said!  And now, each time I lace up before any run, her words ring in ears. Pervin won in Thane- and had I continued with her I would have also got a better timing! My loss! 

Pervin’s special quality is that she is extremely encouraging.Her spirit is infectious! To do a long run with her is a delight as one doesn’t feel the kilometers.
This Sunday we thoroughly enjoyed with her, until she went home at the 21km mark.

Post that, the balance 4 km were a mental struggle for Santa (a 60 year old first time marathoner-who really looks like Santa-and is as jolly as him!) and me. Nimisha had zoomed off from the halfway mark as had Vishal. Santa and I plodded along. When 2.5 kilometers were balance I was ready to stop, and walk. As we crossed the flyover, the vista opened up- and we saw a beautiful marine drive welcoming us! Santa exclaimed about the view and took my mind off the run.  From then on we put running on the back seat and went with the flow. We enjoyed the weather as we broke into a song! “Sing a song of sixpence “was what we began with, when 2 km were balance. It turned into “These are a few of my favourite things”, followed by “Mamma Mia” and “When the saints go marching in”.

Oh! What fun it was! We lost all inhibitions and reveled with the amused expression of the onlookers. They didn’t know we were marching towards the finish of our 25km run! As I sprinted past the stragglers to the finish I was in heaven! What a high it was!

A nonstop 25 km in 2 hours 55 minutes.

A book I read a while ago – about an ultra marathoner Dean karnazes, in which he says: in a long run you run the first half with your legs and the second half with your heart. True enough!
As the training gets harder, I feel I am getting stronger…..hopefully the music in my heart will get me through!

” The human body has limitations, the human spirit is boundless!”
– Dean Karnazes, Ultramarathon Man, Confessions of an All night Runner

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The "Weak" that Was! Sun, 14 Aug 2011 12:22:00 +0000 I sit back and reflect on the week that flew past, and I smile.
it started with one of the most difficult runs I have ever done. Only a 21km run. It was a huge battle with my mind as I struggled over the last 4km. My pace dropped to a real slow jog. One step at a time I told myself as I inched towards the finish. I felt I was finishing a Full Marathon. This, ofcourse, is wishful thinking-if I felt like this in a half I was nowhere close to finishing a full!
I complete the run with Murakami’s words chanting in my head- I have come to run, not walk!

Post the disastrous Sunday run, on a cool Tuesday morning I find myself walking tentatively towards Cubbon Park, Bangalore, a verdant oasis in the heart of the city of traffic. I started along one of the radial roads alongside the local runners. Within a few minutes I discovered a path off the tar road. On this paved surface I picked up pace under the green canopy.

After a few minutes, I observed a dirt trail which seemed to lead towards the heart of the urban forest. As I meandered all over the park, I ran with my heart. At several points it narrowed down to a one foot clearing. As I wove around the 100 year old trees, I was reminded of my trail run in Pondicherry.

The path was uneven and the trees were dense. I ran footloose and fancy free. I only saw where the trail led once I rounded the corner. There was a surprise at every junction as a new vista awaited me at every turn.
I ran on a whim and a song little realising the distance or the time. Awaking from my reverie I found myself lost. I had to run 10 minutes in the pollution and full traffic to reach the hotel. I was happy with my hour well spent.

As we approached the long weekend Nimisha and I decided to finish the long Sunday run on Friday. We started early and ran at a steady pace. The weather was pleasant with a bit of rain. I had a strong finish. After the 18k we were rewarded with a brief shower as we stretched!
What a roller coaster of a week it has been. I learnt there a good days and bad days. The only way to deal with the bad days is to run through them (which I suppose is common sense).

If you want to see a rainbow, you need to put up with the Rain!

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I run therefore…. Tue, 19 Jul 2011 06:10:00 +0000 As I picked up a drowsy Nimisha, she tells me, “But Parul, its raining!” I looked around and agreed, as i realized that it had been pouring all night. After much deliberation, we drove slowly to Nariman point, wondering if any of the others would show up.

And lo, behold!

Almost everyone was there in this incessant rain. Not that it was a drizzle and showed any signs of letting up! Oh no! It was serious rain!

Under the cover of the dark clouds we all trooped out in batches, most of attempting the longest runs of the season. 3-4 km into the run, the rain got heavier. It fell in large drops and we couldn’t keep our eyes open in the deluge. The rhythm of our feet continued as usual, as it ignored the fact that we were drenched to the bone!

The advantage of doing the long run in the rain was simple- we didn’t feel hot! And we didn’t need water. On the contrary when the wind blew, we were actually cold. We went along, over Peddar Road and the sight at Haji Ali was beautiful. The hazy morning light falling on the sea, which was far back because of the low tide. The tops of the new skyscrapers in Bombay were covered with clouds…….all was misty!

We ran along and passed by enough runners who all realized what a treat it was to be out, running today. On Worli sea face, the waves caressed the sea, playfully. We ran past a smorgasbord of people…..and there was one common thread linking them. The look of incredulity on their faces when they saw us- said it all! Are you crazy!!!!!!! The instantaneous reply to this was- YES! 🙂

Ditch the umbrella and cleanse your soul- I wanted to tell all of them all!

We finished with huge smiles as we completed our distance of a half marathon with ease. What had been my goal last year is but a stepping stone today. At this mid way point I would like to say, I think I am very happy to be where I am. I guess, it gets uphill from here and, I am ready for it!

As we stretched post run, the wind was deadly.

On my drive home I was reminded of a t-shirt slogan I had read on my trail run in Pondicherry:
I run therefore I am……..Nuts! 😉

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Running in the Rain Mon, 11 Jul 2011 12:17:00 +0000

“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.”

-John Ruskin

We ran through the sweltering summer heat awaiting the rain. Come June. In anticipation of the monsoon we pushed the mileage up. After a teaser on the first weekend, the rain completely disappeared. As cloudy days passed we sweated it out with each kilometer. Still no rain.

Then came my trial by fire. Exams for both my kids! I was out of the main action for 10 days.

On a dark and cloudy Friday morning I hit the road. It startrd drizzling as I started. What a glorious feeling it was. So refreshing. To run with raindrops fallin’ on my head! From then on………lovely music played in me. And I smiled. At all and none. Was just happy to be out there amidst the changing urban landscape in the rain. Past the buildings, the greens and beach. I reached marine drive. . The rain continued with varying intensity and the distance melted into sheer pleasure. My feet flew over the wet road, as I sprinted to finish with the wind blowing, into the greyness. I met the rest of the gang returning from their 10-12k runs. The run was a breeze. It was unanimously decided that it was one of the best runs we’ve had in a long time.

Come sunday. Time for a long run.
Our target of 19km was easily achieved as we got light sporadic rain. Post run chit chat was on and there came a shower. All of us were drenched. It was an exhilarating feeling to have the raindrops beating down on us. The massage was brief but the downpour was heavy and accompanied by gusty winds. We felt a chill which created a surreal feel. The bleak urban landscape ….the adrenaline rush……the satisfied smile………

A quote I once read, “Runner’s don’t get rained out, they get rained on.”

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