rain – The Running Soul https://therunningsoul.com My running journey...upward and onward Fri, 14 Nov 2014 13:14:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://therunningsoul.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-cropped-Logo_Curved_Black-32x32.jpg rain – The Running Soul https://therunningsoul.com 32 32 79112418 I run therefore…. https://therunningsoul.com/2011/07/i-run-therefore/ https://therunningsoul.com/2011/07/i-run-therefore/#comments Tue, 19 Jul 2011 06:10:00 +0000 http://therunningsoul.com/2011/07/i-run-therefore/ As I picked up a drowsy Nimisha, she tells me, “But Parul, its raining!” I looked around and agreed, as i realized that it had been pouring all night. After much deliberation, we drove slowly to Nariman point, wondering if any of the others would show up.

And lo, behold!

Almost everyone was there in this incessant rain. Not that it was a drizzle and showed any signs of letting up! Oh no! It was serious rain!

Under the cover of the dark clouds we all trooped out in batches, most of attempting the longest runs of the season. 3-4 km into the run, the rain got heavier. It fell in large drops and we couldn’t keep our eyes open in the deluge. The rhythm of our feet continued as usual, as it ignored the fact that we were drenched to the bone!

The advantage of doing the long run in the rain was simple- we didn’t feel hot! And we didn’t need water. On the contrary when the wind blew, we were actually cold. We went along, over Peddar Road and the sight at Haji Ali was beautiful. The hazy morning light falling on the sea, which was far back because of the low tide. The tops of the new skyscrapers in Bombay were covered with clouds…….all was misty!

We ran along and passed by enough runners who all realized what a treat it was to be out, running today. On Worli sea face, the waves caressed the sea, playfully. We ran past a smorgasbord of people…..and there was one common thread linking them. The look of incredulity on their faces when they saw us- said it all! Are you crazy!!!!!!! The instantaneous reply to this was- YES! 🙂

Ditch the umbrella and cleanse your soul- I wanted to tell all of them all!

We finished with huge smiles as we completed our distance of a half marathon with ease. What had been my goal last year is but a stepping stone today. At this mid way point I would like to say, I think I am very happy to be where I am. I guess, it gets uphill from here and, I am ready for it!

As we stretched post run, the wind was deadly.

On my drive home I was reminded of a t-shirt slogan I had read on my trail run in Pondicherry:
I run therefore I am……..Nuts! 😉

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Running in the Rain https://therunningsoul.com/2011/07/running-in-the-rain/ https://therunningsoul.com/2011/07/running-in-the-rain/#comments Mon, 11 Jul 2011 12:17:00 +0000 http://therunningsoul.com/2011/07/running-in-the-rain/

“Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather.”

-John Ruskin

We ran through the sweltering summer heat awaiting the rain. Come June. In anticipation of the monsoon we pushed the mileage up. After a teaser on the first weekend, the rain completely disappeared. As cloudy days passed we sweated it out with each kilometer. Still no rain.

Then came my trial by fire. Exams for both my kids! I was out of the main action for 10 days.

On a dark and cloudy Friday morning I hit the road. It startrd drizzling as I started. What a glorious feeling it was. So refreshing. To run with raindrops fallin’ on my head! From then on………lovely music played in me. And I smiled. At all and none. Was just happy to be out there amidst the changing urban landscape in the rain. Past the buildings, the greens and beach. I reached marine drive. . The rain continued with varying intensity and the distance melted into sheer pleasure. My feet flew over the wet road, as I sprinted to finish with the wind blowing, into the greyness. I met the rest of the gang returning from their 10-12k runs. The run was a breeze. It was unanimously decided that it was one of the best runs we’ve had in a long time.

Come sunday. Time for a long run.
Our target of 19km was easily achieved as we got light sporadic rain. Post run chit chat was on and there came a shower. All of us were drenched. It was an exhilarating feeling to have the raindrops beating down on us. The massage was brief but the downpour was heavy and accompanied by gusty winds. We felt a chill which created a surreal feel. The bleak urban landscape ….the adrenaline rush……the satisfied smile………

A quote I once read, “Runner’s don’t get rained out, they get rained on.”

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