Project Gold: Race 1: BERLIN 2022


(Project Gold was my plan to run 3 world major marathons in 6 weeks- Berlin, Chicago, NYC)

I ran my last 10k with Savio, an easy breezy one along Marine Drive. After he had grumbled about my outrageous plan- Project Gold, his final words were, “But don’t worry. Run relaxed. One race at a time. And remember to keep your shoulders relaxed.” Ask any runner from the group, they will reiterate, that Savio’s advice to run a race, has remained unchanged. The first time he told me this, was in 2016, when I was attempting my first sub 2-hour Half Marathon in Delhi. As I mulled over it on the flight there, its real meaning eluded me. Upon completing the race, 1.55 it was, the wisdom dawned upon me- Don’t stress about the time, listen to your body, and the first half of the run should never feel hard. I understood effort. 

7 years have passed since, and a lot has changed. I have raced more, read and learnt more. 

“The advantage champions have, does not lie in having more, but being able to give more of what they have.” Etc etc. etc. The notes on my phone and my diary are filled with these words of wisdom. 

Berlin: I looked inward to find my race strategy, trying to draw from my racing experience to no avail.

To find a way out of my tangled brain, I wrote on Friday at breakfast. Wishes. Reasons. Logical. Illogical.

Some rather harsh emotions came out. And I wrote on Saturday at breakfast.

Marathoners of all shapes and sizes were milling about, sporting finisher t-shirts, smiling as if acknowledging the other’s journey to have made it to this start line. It created a warm, motivating atmosphere. We were all in it together. The power of camaraderie. I wrote some more. But the fugue only intensified.

Training had gone well and the race conditions were prime for a fast race. I struggled with basics. To enjoy the Beer in Berlin or not? To have the delicious smelling coffee in the hotel just stick to my Reload? Should I keep the pre-race discipline that I always had – or let it go as this was only the first of 3 races?  My mind oscillated wildly. 

And then Savio’s words came to me.

Don’t worry about the time. So I let that go – released myself from a goal. 

Run relaxed. Yes, I would not look at the pace, but just “go with the flow”.

3 races are bigger than one. 

I will enjoy this course and the crowd support. 

Yes coffee. No sugar. Yes rice. No pasta. 

I had the answer. It had been staring at me the whole time – the tagline of the Berlin Marathon: “Run for Joy”. 

And that Saturday night, 12 hours before the race start, I wrote again.

I questioned myself, “What does Joy mean to me?” Joy is Lightness, to be free, wholly and fully in the moment. 

Further, “What does the Berlin Marathon mean to me?”. I am very grateful to have reached here. During the race I will count my blessings. This race is a celebration. Let Kipchoge attempt breaking 2, I will just enjoy the vibe and do my thing!

The Race – what actually happened

Start – 5km: Too fast, too fast too fast. But I am not able to slow down. I have lost it. But I was good rhythm. So I let it go. Smiled. Cheered. Waved. C’mon, let’s do this!

5km- 10km: Feeling good, and still unable to slow down. Trying, trying! And no sign of my son- Arnav. Where is he wandering?

10km-15km: Already 2 laps(5km each) down- wow- the countdown begins – 4 to go! (Pretty dumb logic, if I think about it now!)

15km-20km: The 17th km selfie stop with Arnav, finally! Embarrassed him, I know it! I was on a roll.

HM: 1:55 and still feeling good!

20km-25km: The pack that had started from corral F was still together. I drew strength from them. My spirit was still intact.

25km-30km: Still smiling and waving frantically at everyone, who cheered me on by calling out “Go Parool!”. By then we heard that Kipchoge had set a new World record. Wow wow wow- inspiration right there!

30km-35km: Oops! What just happened? By 32km, my Garmin showed that I have unknowingly picked up pace. I found myself surrounded by a new group of runners. A little fear set in- what if I crash? I shook out my shoulders to slow down a bit, and shake out the fear a bit. 

35km-40km: Still trying to slow down, but it just wasn’t happening. I smiled and let it go. Que sera sera. And I went back to egging on the adoring crowds for attention! Paroool was going, indeed! A kiss blown to Arnav at 37km- and I kept flying! I’m going sub 3:50 I proclaimed to him!

The Last Lap: I was in a frenzy. The loud rock bands and my heart were in sync. Crossing the Brandenburg gate, my heart overflowed. Another 400m to go, yes, yes. And I crossed the finish line- elated. 3:48:50

A PB and BQ. 

A jig expressed my joy. 

It was not a marathon. It was a race of 5 laps and a little more. 

I remained in the present. And let the magic happen. 

Feeling the joy, feeling the vibe, enjoying the energy. 

It was a good day!

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