The Power of The Mind

11th may 2011- One of my toughest runs ever- running in almost 80 percent humidity at 30 degrees it was like being in a torture chamber, only this is self inflicted.

Thanks to a very determined Nimisha I had originally planned to run 21km today- to celebrate my 2 week vacation. Fortunately Savio shot down the idea and advised us to only do the circuit – a 13. 5 km route which includes the uphill walkeshwar road.

I thought it will be a breeze. 13.5 Instead of 21!
And we were off. After the initial 6k I struggled uphill ……onwards…….The in between 6-10 km were my worst. Thoughts of giving up filled my head- constantly hounding me to head home and not return to nariman point to finish the run.

As I battled my mind- I wondered about the vagaries of nature. Can man stand up to nature in any way?

With great encouragement from Vishal and Nimisha I reached marine drive. Then I completely gave up and walked for 2 minutes, ran for 2. This went on until at churchgate I found my rhythm and cruised along until I sprinted the last 500 m towards the finish.

Upon completion I wondered why I found it so grueling in the middle. The distance wasn’t so much and I have been running. So it wasn’t out of the blue either.

It was a case of mind over matter and today my mind lost.

To blame I have only the weather……
And myself.

The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heaven of Hell, a hell of Heaven.

JOHN MILTON, Paradise Lost

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  1. Nikita

    I totally loved this post…and I love how this can be true of anything. I think however, that your mind won….you did finish it instead of going home 🙂

  2. Pramila

    sometimes the body is too tired to execute what the mind wants it to do – its ok, go on vacation and come back fresh, am sure you will do a 21 with ease:)

  3. Anonymous

    yes it happens very often to me and it seems only once in awhile to stong energetic parul….and the difference is my mind always wins but your mind is a looser……..keep it up beta love panna aunty

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