Run to make a Difference

Running has become a way of life for a lot of us now. The “runner’s high” post even a “short 9K” is incredible! J And that’s just the beginning. What running really teaches us is more about ourselves. How to cope in adverse situations, developing mental strength, the benefits of hard work, by setting a goal and working towards it. It makes us stronger as people.
We would like to add another benefit to your long run on March 24th , Sunday. Let us all get together and contribute towards the education of the underprivileged. Let this run make a difference!
Sukhpreet and I have taken it upon ourselves to raise Rs. 1,00,000 for Door Step School.
Arnavaz Kharas( Santa’s wife) is the Director at Door Step School. Currently they are reaching out more than 50 locations in six wards and 20 municipal schools of Mumbai. The total beneficiaries are more than 25000 in Mumbai.
“There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.”
(runner’s may not agree )
With Savio’s support, you can choose to run 9k or 15k.
The entire registration amount will be donated to Door Step as the run will be sponsored by Vita Fertility Clinic (Sukhpreet’s company). So in addition to this registration please also contribute towards our cause. To register for the run please click here……..
There will be a post run snack for all runners J
Any other ideas/suggestions /support is most welcome.
For information as to where they will use the Rs. 1,00,000:
- Ideas towards using the Rs. 1,00,000-
- we have thought of selecting few programmes can be supported with your contribution
i) Balsamuha leadership programme for the 50 children –
Per camp Rs.50000/- X two camps in a year =Rs.100000/-
The children of balsamuha are the alumni of Door Step School with whom we work successfully over a period of time. Currently we have 18 Balsamuha groups in different communities with reach out to more than 1000 children. Out of which the active and working committee members are selected for leadership training programme which organized twice in a year. Once in a summer and once in Diwali vacation for the approx 50 children in each group. These camps are residential where as various resource person are invited to interact and impart the training. Approx. per child Rs. 1000/- for the two days expenses are incurred which include transportation, accommodation, meal, resource material and resource person fees.
So the total cost per camp will be approx. Rs. 50000/- (Photographs attached)
ii) Creating interesting reading materiala] Jumbo story books
Reading Promotion Programme organized at community learning center and in municipal schools of Mumbai for the first generation learner. Encouraging children to develop a healthy reading habit and to explore language beyond text books are the objective of this programme. To make the reading more interesting, the jumbo Xeroxing of the small story books are done which is very effectively used by teachers while narrating stories for the group of children. As it looks very attractive children are also encourage to take and read the big font and picture. Herewith find attached the picture of the books. 70 jumbo story books can be created with the budget of Rs.50000/- which will be benefited to more than 3000 children.
B] Creating multiple copies of reading material
The multiple copies of simple reading material will be made available to each child in classroom which is helpful for teachers to take loud reading with entire group of children. 30 simple stories or articles will be selected for the enlarge Xeroxing which will be laminate and 50 such copies of each stories will be made. Approx. 1500/- for 50 sheets of one story. Approx 1500 children will be benefit from the same.
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