Strength from Satara 2014
There are exactly 4 months to SCMM 2015. And 2 months (8 weeeks) to the Delhi Half Marathon. It will be a long…
There are exactly 4 months to SCMM 2015. And 2 months (8 weeeks) to the Delhi Half Marathon. It will be a long…
An Oxymoron yes, but ask any runner and they will tell you how they breezed through that easy 27k on a particular day…
I have registered for SCMM 2015- I am READY to Train! Ran 8k today. With my music Late, as sanjana had exams. A…
Running in this insane heat was test of grit, I think. Humidity was overwhelming. The sun was intimidating. The Distance, daunting. I did…
Day 2: 6.15 am Srinagar I laced up my shoes, put on my sweatshirt and waited my friend Harish. He’s not much of…
Savio’s command……..8 x 800s…… Mind: Oh No!!!! 2 Full rounds of pdp – NON stop- and jogging rest….all under 4 mins…..How? How? It…
I went for a short run yesterday. Haven’t run much all of last month due to various reasons. But I woke up early,…
The lull after the storm. Post marathon we rest our body. We recover from the aches and pains. We gloat over our completion. We give…