Vincit qui se vincit : He conquers who conquers himself : Savio

What can I say about Savio?
That he is a champion runner, a Marathoner who showed Indians for the first time how to run the entire distance of 42.195 km at a blazing pace.
That he has won the State Award for Excellence in Sports in 1984-85.
That he is a wonderful earthy person, who is always ready to knock some common sense into our irrational minds……be it about a run or bringing up the children! His no nonsense attitude towards life puts our seemingly major issues in perspective, and we learn to smile……
That he has given us a gift that will stay with us for life….the will to stay healthy, the need to run and the love for running. He has made an indelible mark on our lives, in the way we think and the way we approach life.
Speaking personally about me, because of Savio, I have reached a place in my life which I never thought was possible. I have successfully and repeatedly challenged my mind and body over the last few years. I have learnt to convert the “I can’t to I can!”
“Don’t worry about timing, just relax and enjoy the race”.
“Timing will come”.
We have heard Savio say these words time and again- to each of us- these are words which hold the key to us getting our best times in our races.
As life goes on from recovery runs, speed workouts to the two long runs…..each year passes by, making us stronger. With Savio we are getting more out of life, we are making each minute count, we are making each run count.
Savio’s rules of running have now become our rules for life. We have imbibed the discipline, hard work and the mental grit as a part of our being.
Although his group is growing larger each week, every time one of us calls out to him, he listens patiently giving us the advice that we need. One of his greatest qualities is in treating each runner equally…..and knowing us as the individuals that we are.
The group that he has created has come together as a family. This family is held together by a bond, a bond that was forged by sweat, tears, shared grief and moments of intense joy.
Savio – our leader. He takes our hand, opens our mind, ignites the spark, fuels the passion, touches our life with positivity, inspires us to excel and empowers us to write our future.
Thank you Savio for guiding us through uncharted waters towards unconquered territories. Who knows where it will take us? The never-ending setting of targets and the tangible results keep us coming back for more and more.
well written parul.. everything is so true…feels so good to be with savio and only because of his approach to invite new runners wholeheartedly have I liked running with him and running for myself…
also because of savio we are all together…
Ravi Malhan
What a beautiful tribute !
It touched me deeply. Very deeply.
Now I want to meet this man.
Thanks for such powerful writing , straight from the heart.