The Delhi Dream

The half marathon is a very popular distance. It is long enough to test the athletic ability of even the most hardened ultra marathoner- but short enough for anyone to achieve. Racing season is on in full swing. Delhi- Goa-Chennai. Every weekend there is a race as we train for our marquee race- SCMM 2015. For some of us these races are a time trial for 21k, as a part of the full marathon training, and for others they are testing the waters before their final race, to gain confidence.
Yes Delhi is an easy course and the weather is the biggest advantage. But we still have a couple of months for our all-out races. So this is a great ego booster! For me, this 1:54 finish has been the realisation of a long awaited dream. “Sub-2”, “Sub-2” I had driven myself and everyone around me crazy. At least my chant can stop now! My new name is 1:54!!!
After consistent 2:04/2:05 half marathon timings over the last few races, a dejected me stopped running this distance as a race. I am not a fast runner. I am a better long distance runner. It became a joke that my half and full marathon pace was the same. Fair enough. I resigned to my fate and focused on bettering my Full Marathon time. That was a daunting goal in itself. If I match that time I will be happy! Anyway, with single minded dedication I started working towards SCMM 2015.
I attacked my hill-o-phobia by training and running a successful Satara half nonstop. As I got stronger I upped the speed training. The incidental result of all this hard work was that my conversational pace dropped dramatically. We continued our chats as we flew on Sundays over long distances. The most critical fun factor was retained!
How should I run Delhi I asked Savio the Sunday before the race over breakfast. Thus came the cryptic reply from the expert, “Just run your race.” I was stumped. What does that mean? I mulled over his wise words, unable to make anything out of it! I left that thought to gestate in my head and reached Delhi. Excitement was high. Most of us had run Delhi before and knew what to expect. We knew we could safely push our limits and go for it. I geared up my mind to go for it. 1:59:58 was all that I wanted!
Come Sunday morning, we all looked like a bunch of goons with jackets, hoodies, head gear, and a few like Pervin and me, a couple of cartoons using garbage bags as ponchos to protect us against the cold. With all thanks to Siva, we were right up at the start line, rubbing shoulders with the Elites and the celebrity runners. At 7.05 am we were off.
After the surge of the group A runners, I settled into a good rhythm and by 3 km I had found my pace. Comfortable. Easy. And most important the one that I could still talk at. And so I went with one of the most unfriendly crowd that I have ever run with. No one talking – no one encouraging. Some with ipods plugged in and others who were too focused on the race. I tried for a bit then gave up. After a bit I caught with Rahul and it was him and me going along. Almost together the entire distance. This time, following the advice of Pulin, I divided the race into 4 sections of 5 km each- suddenly it became a small distance. As I kept an almost constant pace for each lap as the course was pancake flat. We ran past India gate, the lawns of the Parliament house, which itself was hidden behind the smog. As I ran along, I was flying high. Feeling amazing. That is when I realized what Savio was talking about. I was running my natural pace. With myself. Not running for a time or anything. Just running. A beautiful run, as we turned around and traced the route back, into the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium. I flew to the finish crushing the last 2 km in 10 minutes.
I followed my intuition and ran a successful race. Maybe I could have run faster, but I definitely would not have enjoyed my run more. This was one of most satisfying runs of my life. Of course my much improved fitness level played an important part in this.
As I mature as a runner I see the long road ahead. In the short term, I have to focus on SCMM 2015. In the long run, I have to become stronger so that the races become easier. The distance seems shorter as I am used to much longer runs. It is all relative to our comfort level.
Train with some pain, do the hills stronger, the speed drills a bit faster, and see the race become easier.
We can train for hills, we can train for speed. But if we run with Joy, that will be our best pace.
Set a goal, work for it. Fail, and try again. Succeed and move onto something bigger. It is essential to dream to endure the pain. Victory will be sweet.
Possible titles for this post came from my Playlist (on shuffle) of
the last 5km:
Jai Ho
Rang De Basanti
Taare Zamein Par
Rise Up- My dream is to Fly…Over the Rainbow, so high!
Ravi Malhan
What a beautiful way to describe your run.
I felt I was running next to you. In real life , I can never run next to you as I am far slower.
But such is the power of your pen. It lifted my spirits and enriched my soul.
Congratulations for a great run and for being such a gifted writer.
Thank you all for your kindness. That is what motivates me to keep writing. And don’t lose heart Ravi. We all began at the back of the line someday. Hard work is the only way. All the best!
Ravi Malhan
Oh Parul. Your reply demonstrates that you are not only a gifted writer but also a kind and compassionate human being. I have got hooked to your blog and am up since 0400 in the morning reading all the previous posts. I realise that great writing is more than a skill in your case. There is a soul to your writing that touches my heart.
Here is wishing you wind under your wings, spring in your gait and more power to your pen.
With lots of love and in deep gratitude…
Ravi Malhan
thank you 🙂
Shankar Seetharaman
Nice post, I read anything in running. Gunning for 2 +\-. Keep running and
all the best! yes a 2-hour half is amazing!
– keep running 🙂
Mahadev Nadkarni
Woh !! Sub 2hrs in Hm is indeed a dream for many. You are an inspiration and i am glad you achieved this feat. It was wonderful to see you running at worli Seaface the previous Sunday !! Keep rocking
Likewise. Thank you!
Very well written and inspiring account of your Delhi dream! Congratulations on achieving your PR! I’m sure you’ll grow stronger as a runner in the days to come!
Khurshid Mistry
Very well written Parul. I can imagine the thrill you must have felt when you reached the finishing line and saw your time. Really it is a Dream come True for you. I have seen you disappointed many times after the races when you did not do sub 2. Congratulations on achieving your dream and Good luck for your future runs
Shreyansh Tyagi
Really well written! I ran my first half marathon in Delhi last december, but due to my college classes,couldn’t run it this year. I remember the crowd being really encouraging last year. Towards the end, some were even cheering my name as the name is written on the bib. Wonder why the atmosphere wasn’t like that this year.
it was a very poor crowd turnout- most delhiites don’t even know that a marathon is happening in their city..
Awesome post…Very motivating story…Enjoyed reading…I did notice some folks at ADHM with the garbage bags and found it to be a novel idea…Guess you were one of them…Happy Running..
hahaha -ya 🙂
Superb n very encouraging post
Kamal Chawla
Great Achievement!
Nice write up.
Thanks for sharing your experience and inspiring us. The entire race route and track could be fely and visualised
Hii nice motivating write up; during my last Sunday regular run; I had the same feeling RUN for yourself and I was just enjoying it; without realising that I completed 20km in 2 24 mins; was very happy to know that it did 20 in a very good timing; my last best was 2 35 at thane hiranandani last ur ; congrats for ur achievements ;;; keep running keep writing
What a beautiful way to pen you thoughts into words.Reminds me that running is supposed to be fun.
thanks- yes. the runs we do with our hearts are most fulfilling…and usually the fastest!
vinesh Chandramaniya
Good write up parul…amazingly described yr run…and gr8 timing too..”Sub 2″….as a runner we constantly aim for it….I m a runner too…started running 3 months back… Did 10 k in 52 min and satara hill marathon 21 k in 2.18…really inspired by you..I always tell my runner frnds that never ever compare yrself with others…listen to yr body and run…becoz our body speaks a lot…don’t overstretch yrself…just run yr own race..and u will surely achieve yr PB…I also want to devepooe myself for a distance running…as it is just a start for me I will go slow n steady…and may require yr guidance and expert tips for that…thanks.regards..take care and keep running.
Dr Shivprasad Date
Very elegantly written. It seemed like I was running along with you through the course. It has driven me to break sub 2 in this SCMM. Cheers and all the best!!
Thank you and more power to you! Go for it at scmm!!
Many Congratulations on your sub-2! Savour the feeling. Very nicely written.
I can totally relate to the joyous running bit.
Wish you the very best for SCMM. Run joyously! 🙂
Thank Satish. Wish you all the best as well. I just read your account of a year full of running. And now I am curious- How did it go?
Parul your strength, determination & stamina is unparalleled. The power of expression in words is like watching you actually running in front of my eyes. You are really making us feel proud to have a nice niece like you!
Kamal Chawla
Congratulations Parul
Superb achievement
Great timing!