In a New Place

As the mercury rises our training feels harder. I need to grow much more, so that the temperature becomes just a number. Running with discomfort is what I need to learn.

In theory, we think that we know exactly what we need to do to improve, as a runner, at work or with any other skill. Talking about running per se, for me it includes:

  1. Tempo Training
  2. Core Workout
  3. Negative Split Theory
  4. Cross Training
  5. Yoga / Stretching

This is a starting list, and I’m sure more experienced runners have one that is much more exhaustive.

The point remains, that in order for me to better my eventual result I need to change my training. Intensify it. I cannot continue doing what I have been doing for the past 2 years and expect a dramatic change in my skill.

Yesterday (Sunday) I ran with Mulraj and Rakesh. Both of them experienced runners, who are a notch above me. As I started, I thought to myself, I only need to keep up with them till halfway. Then I can fade away………further they planned to run 15km which was a bit much for me, so I simply planned to ditch them at the 6km mark and turn around and run  back at my slow easy pace.( This is a complete deviation for the training plan that I should be following as per above!)

With friendly banter we reached the 6km mark. As I said good bye, they surprised me and said that they would return with me!!!! There went my escape plan……..

Along the next couple of slow easy kilometers , they discussed various strategies on how to pick up pace for the last 4km. Fartlek or Indian File….??? My heart just sank!

My trial had begun.

My head was trying to work out the most feasible way to evade this trauma……my defense was -“I am a frail woman”! This was shot down in one second by Rakesh who said that hence they as men, needed to escort me till the very end…..DOOM!

I was leading the first leg of the Indian file from Mafatlal Bath, and was out of breath by the end of my kilometer at the signal. I slowed to a walk and told them to carry on. BUT NO!

Past the flyover, Rakesh lead the pack. Huffing and puffing I managed to keep up until the last 20 m, when I gave up. They slowed down as well…….allowing me to catch my breath. Then Mulraj shifted the gears into cruise control for the last kilometer. Oh my! I felt my lungs would burst as I followed Rakesh’s advice to lengthen my stride and Mulraj’s to move my arms vigorously! What a finish! I was dead! I had an out of body experience……the pace was unnatural… mental state was surreal. I was in a new place. An unfamiliar place. I have to visit this place often and make it my own. This is where I need to be.  A place which is bang on my path to a new training plan.

Post run breakfast was in the honor of the 100 length swimmers at CCI.  5 of them- Byram, Zarir, Rupali, Vidhi and Rajesh, swim as well as they run, or maybe better! They swam 2.3 km in under an hour. A place where I want to be. A group I aspire to join.

Rakesh and Mulraj- runners I aspire to keep up with.

Motivation , hardwork and DIScomfort will get me there.

I have used this graphic before, but this seems to exemplify the current phase of my life.


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One Comment

  1. Samir Bhatia

    Super Super Super!! You are a champ in more ways than one! And there are MANY MANY who aspire to be like you… Keep up the good work and the good running !

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