Just another Sunday Run..or…..

Enough and more poems and songs, have been written about the Rains. But the fact remains that it is a special season and it holds a special place in the heart of us Bombay runners. The Magic of the Monsoon!

Last Sunday( 9th June) , the energy of the group was amazing. It was drizzling as we all gathered to start our run, and everyone was keen to push the mileage up. It was a beautiful first run in the rain!

This was followed by a crazy hill workout on Wednesday. I think even Savio got carried away because of the fabulous weather , and upped our workout from the usual 10k to 12k. In general, I hate hill workouts, but on that day, running down hanging gardens it felt like I was flying. The wind was whispering sweet nothings in my ear as I went downhill.

Friday saw another run in the rain, and I was even tempted to run on Saturday! Albeit a very short one, which was more like a stroll!

Come Sunday( 18th June).menacing-clouds

Another dark, rainy morning.

We headed out as a large group with a lot of camaraderie, tom foolery, and careless abandon. It was going to be a breeze. The usual 15 km. Out we went at an easy pace, but on the return, it seemed as if the devil got into us, as we all flew, one faster than the other! As we started from Nariman Point the iconic skyline was set against dark grey clouds, but on the return, there was only blankness as heavy rain obscured the vista.

Somewhere along the return, near the BabulnathTemple, at about Kilometer 8 or 9 I felt raindrops falling on me.

Each drop entering my subconscious,  awakening me.

My heart was beating steadily.

My feet moving rhythmically.

My breathing was regular.

Lush greenery surrounded me.

I was in perfect harmony with all around me.

I smiled.

It was a perfect moment.

This is what I live for. I have learnt, that it is not possible ( or should I say –it is very difficult) to have a perfect life. But life can be a collection of “Perfect Moments”. These can come at the most unexpected time, all we need to do is recognise them and capture them in our memory box. They become ours to treasure forever!

Much to my surprise, Porus finished ahead of the pack and I was second in line! What a run it was….incessant rain, vacillating between a gentle drizzle and pounding sleet. After we completed the stipulated 16 k- and on a whim Porus and I decided to run home! This would add another 5k to our bag. 21k!!!!It would be our first half marathon of the season. We trotted along at an easy pace, chatting about life and things like that.

Each raindrop reinforcing our insanity.

Each raindrop etching this Perfect morning in our memory.

We had a great day. We made the most of it.

Carpe dium…………….CarpeDiem tumblr_lljlctyDkI1qaobbko1_500






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  1. Sanjana:)

    wow! one of your best!

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