M vs M – Part 2

Savio’s command……..8 x 800s……
Mind: Oh No!!!! 2 Full rounds of pdp – NON stop- and jogging rest….all under 4 mins…..How? How? It will never happen!
Me: (aloud) I hate 800s! Why? Why?
Savio (growls): because its good for you!
Me: I can’t do it.
Mind: (with a straight face) Ya, you’re not strong enough to do it……
Me: I agree, but may as well start , since I have to finish it.
(Taking a deep breath) Ok, here goes…….
Lap 1 time: 3.58 mins
Mind: you’ve managed the first one, not bad!
(Smirking) let’s see you do the rest…..
Me: I will just keep going, where is the choice?
After completing 5 more laps all barely under 4 mins…averaging 3.58/57
Me: I’ve done well! And I can easily do 2 more…..yes I’m tired, but I really want to kill it now!
Mind: (thinking- with a grim look-not saying it aloud) Oh No! that sounds dangerous.
Me: you see now, how I fly!!! My fastest 800 is all set to happen.
After doing the 7th – 800 in 3.45 min
Me: see! I told you……..i have done it
Mind (in a small voice) yes, you have.
Me: and now, what is the last one? The workout ends now anyway, so may as well go my fastest and give it my best.
Mind: (thinking) wow, what spirit!
Me: (after the 8th -800) hahahahaha! What a great workout…I just flew today……………
Mind: (grudgingly) : yes, it does feel good.
Me: beat you again!!
Mind (in an ever smaller voice) : as always
Me: but then how come you always get the better of me when I begin?
Mind: because its easy to create a doubt in your head when you believe that the task you have set out to accomplish is difficult, and you can’t achieve it.
Me: but how do I know I can do it, unless I actually do it?
Mind: hahahaha! You don’t!! so there is always a crack for me to plant the seed of uncertainty. Then you feed it on your own……
Me: oh!
Mind: I don’t do anything. Depending on your insecurities, that seed either grows, or you squash it! Usually, ( in a smug voice), you feedit well, and it grows, grows and how! To incredible proportion , and most times without reason!
For a change I am speechless…….
Mind: (continuing) youdo this to yourself as you don’t have any faith in yourself and your capability. I am here to help you, to support you. But if you can’t take my help, what can I do?
Me: (stunned)
Mind: you allow the whispers to find home in your head, so they settle down in dark corners in such a way that you don’t even realize that they exist. Then these ghosts strike sometimes with reason, but most times without reason.
Me: (accusingly) and you enjoy this game???
Mind: hahahahaha, why not? You invite the devil into your head AND allow it to exorcise you! I’m only watching the duel……
Me: what the hell!!!!
Mind: ( gently) then deal with it.
Me: (feebly, tired, defeated) : yes, I should……..
Mind: arre, don’t be so dejected! We are on one side, rememeber?
Me: (brightening) yes, that’s true
Mind: so come on then! Take the next challenge head on and see the result
Me: (with a big smile) : DONE!!!
Mind: train your mind, the way you train your body.
Me: you mean you’ll actually listen to me???
Mind: I usually don’t, and I don’t listen to anyone, but if you dont tell anyone I will share a secret with you……..who doesn’t want to be on the side of a winner?
Me: ya, that is true. I agree. Everyone loves a success story!
Mind: so when you really want it, you will make me an ally, and use my strength. I will be by your side, and see you through your dark times, your trying times. We will rise to the occasion together!
Me: The Power of the MIND!
Mind: The Power of One!!!!
Anil Bagri