this is why i run…

I went for a short run yesterday. Haven’t run much all of last month due to various reasons. But I woke up early, so I put on my shoes and just headed out, leaving behind all bag and baggage. When I returned I was a new person. My entire demeanor had changed, all the jumbles in my head had cleared up as I pounded the street. Sometimes hard, sometimes soft! I let my thoughts wander, like my run, sometimes fast and sometimes slow. My soul was cleansed. I was back to real life, energised. Bring on the mundanity……I had had my high!
When I started running, it was because it seemed like the most convenient thing to do, as a form of exercise. Didn’t need a gym membership, or fancy clothes and gear. Didn’t even have to go anywhere! I would just put on my old tracks, slip into my “sports” shoes on and step down, look left and right – to decide which way my heart felt like taking me. How much I ran depended on my schedule…the kids’ school bus time, waking up time…..and the like. It was so simple- so I could make it a part of my life. The more I ran, the better I felt. I understood the concept of “my time”, as I carved out more and more of it from my so-called busy life, for running.
Finishing my first half marathon in all of 2 hours and 45 minutes at SCMM 2004, I felt like I had accomplished a BIG thing. I walked a lot of the last 4-5km, but it was an achievement for me!
10 years have passed since. Much has changed. The one thing that hasn’t is that running is still teaching me things about myself, making me into my own person. The time I spend running, is the time I lead life at my own terms. That is an empowering feeling.
Yesterday was women’s day. I feel it’s my day every time I run! The very act of running is a liberating one. The wind against your face, blood rushing to my brain, the rhythmic heartbeat, the hair flying in the breeze, the smiles of the other morning people and the music in my head.
We women juggle a lot. Work. Kids. Homes. Friends. Spouses. Real life……. I feel running allows you to do all that, and squeeze more out of life. Usually I am back home after a great run, before the kids are even awake, or the home stuff has begun. We find a million excuses not to do things for ourselves as guilt is a big factor of our lives, just waiting to rein our desires.
So running is the answer!!
Run……Feel Free…..Be yourself!
What a beautiful way to capture the essence of what running really does to people. One needs to get into it to really understand that..
Lovely post.