5-4-3-2-1…D Day is here!

It has been a whirlwind of a week for me with the book launch at the expo, where I made so many friends. Time has now come to put this behind me for a while and focus on the race ahead. Enough and more has been said. About me, by me. I will keep this one short.

Conversation between me and Sanjana ( my daughter- age 13)

me: Do you think i will run well this year?

she: Of course you will- i have no doubt! you have never complained during your training . Unless you give  up- you will fly!

As I open my notebook, looking for words for my last pre race post, I find the following quote already written there.

“What gives light, must endure burn.”                     ……..Victor Frankl

Not sure where I found it- but the more I read it, the more I feel it encapsulates the essence of running a race.

They say, in order to run your next marathon, you need to forget the pain of the first.

Yes. I need to prepare myself.

Gather courage to face what I know is going to come.

It is going to be harder than it has ever been.

I know that.

I need to gather the will.

The will to endure.

The will to suffer.

As the dream is bigger than it has ever been.

Robin Williams’ immortal words from Dead Poets’ Society…

“Carpe Dium. Sieze the Day boys. Make your lives extraordinary.”

so all the best…we shall meet on the other side as new people. stronger people.

Let us conquer our fear …SCMM 2015, here we come!

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  1. Hemant

    Good luck for the race. I am sure you must have trained well to achieve your goal. Will read about your experience in the post-race blog.

  2. Ulhas H Chitharia

    Dear Parul

    Your each word is fountain of inspiration. I wish you best for your new book and pray for your true happiness always .

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