Fine, I get it!
Tuesday, 9 am, 3rd February Piano Class- after 6 months of varying excuses (book, marathon, exams) and two weeks of no excuses. The…
Tuesday, 9 am, 3rd February Piano Class- after 6 months of varying excuses (book, marathon, exams) and two weeks of no excuses. The…
At a recent event… Q: Parul, describe your journey as a runner/marathoner. Me: Looking stunned, wondering how to answer this, as it was…
SCMM 2015: 3:59:52 ( My Personal Best) 7 seconds have suddenly created a new identity for me. Ms. Sub-4. 7 seconds over 4…
If you missed my interview with Hrishi K on Radio One Mumbai this morning, you can listen to it here
It has been a whirlwind of a week for me with the book launch at the expo, where I made so many friends.…
THE BOOK: This book is the story of Parul Sheth who started running and used it as a way to getting her life…
I want an Angel…a strong angel with big, beautiful ,white, strong wings, waiting for me at the HSBC bank ( the point when…
As I train to beat my last year’s time for SCMM 2015, I realise that what I had thought unachievable at one time,…
For a lot of us training for #SCMM2015…it is… The last month for the 4.30am alarm…enjoy the moonlight at the crack of ,…